giovedì 6 febbraio 2014


There are two types of people who commit adultery . Those who dofor pleasure. And those who do it for amore.Chi commits adultery pleasure, the classic Don Juan (also female ) , defiles the temple of his body and that of the body ofperson who commits adultery is dà.Chi for love, and there are many , in addition to the sin of whichabove , adds an even more serious : the stubbornness in male.Infatti , the womanizer is always well aware of the harm it does. itsthe sin is ever before me . His own art, made of seduction andsubterfuge , constantly reminds him that they are not behavingrighteously.The Don Juan is like a thief. Even the thief knows that stealing is bad .Reminds him of violence , cunning , concealment of their actions .So dongiovanni.Invece , the adulterous love, seeking the legitimacy of the outertheir behavior. He wants it to be socially acceptable andprotected . His selfishness leads him to transform his condition fromfurtive and clandestine stable. He seeks coexistence and second ,third, fourth or nth wedding . If you ask them why, they replied that"love ." He claims to love the person who has joined himself with a tieillegitimate . And mind , because really loves only himself and his comfort , to the point tighten the person with whom commits a permanent adultery in a formal constraint , which is a serious obstacle to the his salvation. It 's like a thief who steals first and then claims that the right to steal is recognized .
 E ' for this reason that there are many more that you save the libertines , ofthose philistines who, thanks to the willingness of the state get married .The first , in fact, have obsession with them to do,while the latter swell with presumption , impersonating love theirselfishnes

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