Anything that comes off from this stream , and act as a distinct and individual , congeals , hardens , it begins to die according to Pirandello . So it is with the man is separated from the universal taking shape within which individual forces , a mask ( "person" ) with which you are submitting to itself. There is , however, the only form that I give to himself, in society , there are also the forms that I give to all the others. And this multiplication in the self loses its individuality, by "one" becomes " one hundred thousand ", then " no ."
It's just that depart from the disintegration of the individual in this the story of the protagonist when his wife , for a simple game, will make him notice some of his physical defects that he had never noticed , first of all a slight slope of the nose , Vitangelo will realize how the image he had always had of itself does not actually correspond to what the others had of him in every way and will try to steal this inaccessible side of his ego . From this effort toward an elusive goal will come to his folly . The madness is in fact in dispute Pirandello tool par excellence of bogus forms of social life, the weapon that explodes the conventions and rituals , reducing the absurd and revealing the unconscious .
Thus began the series of follies Moscarda : first evicted a poor lunatic , Mark of God, from the hovel that even the money-lender father , for mercy , had granted him free, and thus raises the execration of the whole city . Then, with a sudden twist, reveals the indignant crowd , rushed to assist the eviction , has donated another best house of God in Later requiring directors to liquidate the bank paternal mistreats his wife Dida ( although that like ) and causes it to leave . At this point the two directors, his wife and father in law conspire to make interdict . Is informed of the plot by Anna Rose , a friend of Dida , and he , revealing their thoughts inconsistency of the person, on forms that others impose on us , fascinates , but he also blasted his mental balance , and the woman , with sudden and inexplicable shot him , wounding him severely . The result is a huge scandal : the whole city is convinced that he and Anna Rosa there is a relationship culprit. A Moscarda , recommended by a priest , we have to recognize all the blame attributed to demonstrate a heroic and repentance. Donate all his possessions to build a workhouse , and he himself was hospitalized , living together with all the other beggars, " wearing the uniform of the community and eating in the wooden bowl ", as Pirandello .
It is the failure of the Moscarda who seeks escape through madness in an attempt to escape the many forms imposed on him by the company will end up having to accept a new , yet another form, the adulterer , and serve it to a heavy and undeserved punishment . But this defeat is a kind of victory , a cure anxieties that haunted him . If prior to the awareness of not being 'nobody' gave him a sense of horror and terrible solitude , now willingly accepts the complete alienation from himself , refuses any personal identity , comes to reject it its name , and leaves changing the flow of life, to become the world's "dying, " and " born again " soon after, in every moment, always new and without memory, without the constraint of any self-imposed mask , but in every thing by identifying , in a total estrangement by the company and coercive forms that it imposes.
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