giovedì 2 gennaio 2014


" A good mix of faults." So Audrey Hepburn defined itself , according to his son Luca Dotti : " You looked in the mirror and said he did not understand why others find her so beautiful. She thought of having her nose and feet are too big , small breasts , and being too skinny . "Luke, son of the actress and the Italian psychiatrist Andrea Dotti , said the memories of his madre.Per achieve it, has collected about 2,500 photos from the archive of Reporters Associati , documenting the life of Hepburn in the Italian capital . According to Dotti , her mother " did not live the life of a recluse or behind bars. He walked down the street and everyone knew her . It was part of the city. The majority of the photos were taken in the streets . " Yet , "even in these images taken of a sudden, she was always herself. Perfect . "Speaking of his style, Luke says that the weak point of the scarves were Audrey : " I ​​do not mean it to be like Imelda Marcos with shoes, but he was 30 or forty . It was a good way to get around in disguise : sunglasses and headscarf. On certain occasions could also do her shopping without the crowds follow her . "Dotti tells Vanity Fair that her mother " was always rather surprised by the efforts that women made ​​to look young . She was actually very happy to grow old , because it meant more time for herself and her family, and separate from the hustle and bustle to beauty and youth that is Hollywood . " Luke says that he has "one big regret , which I think would have been his not having known the grandchildren . Because it would be a great grandmother , cooking cakes , taking the children on every occasion, and telling them stories . "The son of Hepburn also spoke of the problems between her and her father, "This is a speculation , but a fact. When he was married 40 years, but at the same time was much older , for all the success and the story behind her. And my father was ten years younger. Being around a woman who has been an icon for many years, and you're a young doctor , a man makes a difference. If the equation had been reversed, if my father had been the one in the pair more than ten years old , and a little ' safer , probably things would work better. " The interview ends with the thing that brings more to the mind of Luke, the memory of his mother: " The scent . The slight sense of smell . Often joked about the fact that we both had a very sensitive sense of smell . So there are a few flavors, a cake , a flower, things like that. It is not a physical matter , but it is powerful. And every spring, especially here in Rome, you have this smell of orange blossoms in the air. Spring is coming, that it was his favorite season , and it makes me think of her . "

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